What do you think this is?

Just thoughts of a restless mind...

Bond in Motion

In my younger years, I really enjoyed watching Bond movies. I think they also were among the firts ones I had the privilege to watch on video (VHS). Growing up, my fondness for Bond and action movies in general, especially the ones with unrealistic stunts, toned down. I now watch some of these movies if I just want to pass the time.

A year in review

As the year comes to an end, I feel like a reflection is needed. 2023 was quite a ride. I planned to have this reflection on LinkedIn, but the Prague shooting on the 21st of December made me limit my social media presence and exposure at this time, out of respect for the victims.

A trip to Manhattan

It is good to have some days left over from the annual vacation, and this time I had three days to use in December. An excellent opportunity to explore a new place.